Saturday 28 April, 2007

Daily Hindu Crossword 8899

1A Anagram(Anyway indicates anagram) forethought, think in advance.
3A Type of boat, Destruct the D
16A Mean, median,mode etc. Declare=AVER+ how old?
19A A Qualifier for a name.

3D Also crazy
5d Anagram - Comet+ earth. It tequires tact.
6D This is a direct clue. It The - anagram.
7D Direct clue again. Due for ages.

Friday 27 April, 2007

Daily Hindu Crossword 8898

  • If there is a number in the clue, try using the alphabets in its roman numeral.
  • Arranged, Construction – A few more words indicating anagrams.

11A An anagram which yields a synonym for unemployment.
12A 10=X. And notes. Arrange.
14A Five=V needs Oil input. Musical instrument.
15A Simple one – a three letter bird, with a morsel.
18A Elevated platforms are present in the clue.
20A Process of shading/coloring cloth or hair? (I’m not too sure of this one)

3D Begin count - 1,2,3,___ + a particular type of Cod fish gives something unexpected.
4D Lasting forever – rearrange Rental ‘e.
16D Argentine is an anagram of a fruit, but am not sure how it fits the clue.

9:30 PM

28A Anagram - if you persevere, you'll get this one.

28/4 7:15 AM

  • 25A A Lawman is a District Attorney - DA Engineer would imply Er, Doctor Dr. If there is a profession mentioned, abbreviate it, and use the alphabets.
  • 21D was a good one - English Cricket Team-> English 11 -> E XI
  • 1A Least efficient = Worst; News Chief = ed; Yarn = worsted;
  • 6D Able to pay = Solvent; Paint Stripper = Solvent.

Thursday 26 April, 2007

Daily Hindu Crossword 8897

Even after looking at the solution, yesterday’s crossword looks a tough one. So is today’s I’ve been able to crack very few.

  • One simple rule that helps is, if you see any state in the USA, immediately take its acronym, and find where it fits in the answer.
  • Another one which will help today is, If you see North or South or Poles, it would mean the use of the alphabet N or S or both.
  • Words like tumbling, crashing etc invariably mean anagrams.
6A An acronym, along with a synonym gives the answer, which is a synonym for servant.
10A Think of land scenery paintings – what do you call them?
15A This is a straight clue. The person who escaped.
27A The answer string is present in the clue itself, and is a synonym for choose.

6D From 6A, you can get the starting alphabet. This is a new taxation introduced recently, around the South, which yields a synonym.
16D Think - who is the top man? Then crash pride sent.
23D It is an anagram which yields a common name.

Wednesday 25 April, 2007

Daily Hindu Crossword 8896

Today's xwd contained very few Anagrams I could find. Most look like direct clues :(

5A Anagram which means Misbehaves
10A Acronym for Vive Admiral taken with another word – Anagram. This is a synonym for left.
11A The answer word is in the clue itself, and is a synonym for plate.
15A Acronym retracted(reversed) anlong with preceding article.
23A Holding hands.
26A Good one – Think the religion of Muslims with a roman 99.

4D Can you look up synonyms for Fop? The answer string is also present in the clue.
7D Simple and straightforward. What one does when one is not standing.
8D Straightforward again – Some kind of promise to pay a specified amount on demand or at a certain time
22D Award/alphabets received when a course of study is completed.

Tuesday 24 April, 2007

Daily Hindu Crossword 8895

1A is certainly an Anagram
5A Synonym – A child’s bed(Synonym) inserted in the South East
9A Synonym - Insert credit in an Underwater vessel?
13A Straightforward. A river.
21A Simple one about Age group
24A The meaning is more like I am out.

2D Synonym for Cut Short, which connects opposite shores

7D Anagram
18D An English evening meal
4D He maintains government registers?
15D They act what they talk using movements
22D Ornaments worn on your ears, Synonym
8D Feeling soft?

Welcome Message

Welcome to the world of the Daily Hindu Crossword.
Crosswords are a great way to improve your vocabulary, and tickle your brains. Cryptic clue crosswords are even more challenging. There is nothing to give you a boost than to be able to fill most of the crossword on any given day.
It has been a great dream of mine to meet crossword enthusiasts, share tips, and have crossword discussions. This is a humble effort at it.
I'm planning to post hints for solving the Daily Hindu Crossword, and other viewers are welcome to give their hints too. Let's not post the solution itself, as that kills the fun of solving the crossword. I'm also planning on compiling tips for solving cryptic clues(from my experience, and yours). Let's see where it goes from there.
So here's to Crosswords!!!